Friday 9 September 2016

Your relationship

And here we goes the photos of mine for this first post for 2016 i guess. Hahaha
So it now on the 9th months of 2016 and yeah it already a tough hell ride across this past nine month. So what we should started? 

What about SPM trial that i just had passed it 3 weeks ago.

Full of stress duh. The first weeks i need to take history and account on the same day. It's quite challenging. NO!! IT WAS REALLY CHALENGGING. I need to face those papers while i am having a flu and it was really tough. Because of the flu, i did not study for the account paper and i fully left a question with 20 marks. I just cant believe i just wasted those 20 marks. And my exam sheets were blanks hahahahahaha. Nice doh fafa 🖒 and i already target pass for my account. Im sorry umi and abah -____-"

The second week it was okay. Pai, math mod and addmath. Wait. ADDMATH????!!! hahaha we had a nice jokes after the addmath paper bcs paper 1 was quite hard but paper 2 just one or two kbat questions that we could manage. And i dont know why i had a hugr smile on my face after the addmaths exam. Hahaha crazy me i guess.

And the last week we had bio chem and phy papers. Firstly, we had physics. Everyone just chilling yeah physics is quite simple right? And booom the exam paper was from hell. IT WAS REALLY TOUGH. REALLY. REALLY. TOUGH. I could not even know that to answer or to write. Almost 20 questions i just tembak here and there while the teacher was waiting next to me to collect the paper. Fuhh dasyat. And because of that we had a really nice mental breakdown. I did not have the mood to study for chem anymore. But duhh we have no choice. Kena gak paksa diri utk study. And chem also same as physics. And again, same mental break down again and again. For biology, i did not revise all of the topics!!!!!! I dont know what could happen.

I just pray hard. Pray to Allah to help me. Pray to make my heart stay still and brave to face all of those questions. Because i did believe Allah is there to help me. Hahaha just because i was did not want to make me more nervous before the exam, i will not study anymore after the zohor if we had any paper in the evening. I just go to sleep around my friends that still revising. At least i could sleep in their revising lullaby hahahaha. And i will be in silence and termenung. Until they called me president kelab tenang. Hahaha thanks to iffah duh to called me that. 

Itu baru trials and dh mcm org gila. Macamana agaknya the real spm nnti? How we could survive? How the questions will be? Full of questions marks.....

From what i had learned across this pass 3 weeks exams it really shows me that hablum minallah hablum minannas really we need to take care. 

Okay, hablum minallah.
Your relationship with Allah SWT
In everything we do everything we think in this whole world is belongs to Allah SWT. Macamana pun kau kejar dunia ni, nak straight a ke nak baju baru ke nak apa apa je lah semua Allah punya. Nak nak benda tu? Ask it properly. Jaga solat. Buat amal ibadat and you'll get what you want. Allah itu Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani. If you ask something from Him, there will be three answers:


"Yes but not now"

"No, I have another good plans for you"

So why not we as a muslims need to go back to Allah in all aspects from what we do in this world and a good muslims.

Next, hablum minannas.
Your relationship with human.
Jaga jaga, hati dan perasaan manusia kita tak tahu. Maybe a small action or talk can hurt them. Baiklah dgn semua orang. Jaga perasaan mereka. Maybe kau tak sedar kau buat tu salah and hurt them until they doa something tak baik utk kau. That is why one of the reasons result kau tak baik contohnya lagi 1 nak A atau A plus. Itu semua karma *it is the right terms? Hahahahaha sorry jahil sikit* so guys jgn nak seronok sangat bersikap lepas buat mcm mcm lepas berkata kata. 

B. E. H. A. V. E.

I thinks it almost comes to an end, sorry for the mistakes and pray for my spm okay!

0 cAkAp - cAkAp: